Thursday 9 April 2020

What Is Waste And Its Types

Waste can be described as any kind of unwanted or unusable material that is discarded after primary use, is worthless, defective or of no use and needs to be disposed of in a proper manner. 

Waste is any kind of scrap generated after a process is completed. These are unusable or unwanted substances that are of no use and need to be disposed of in a proper manner. It includes waste like E-waste, plastic waste, broken furniture, paper, organic waste and similar types of waste. Food waste can be disposed of using automatic waste composting machine like Goldust.

 However, dumping everything into a bin without giving it a thought about recycling is a bad way to get rid of it. Dumping such waste directly will only result in landfill which is highly damaging for the environment. If only you classified your waste into different categories and then it will be easy for you to dispose of it in the right manner.

Waste can be categorized mainly in 4 types:

The first type of waste includes hazardous waste including industrial waste. Hazardous waste includes waste generated by households like empty batteries, household cleaners, dishwashers, used medicines packages, etc. In industrial waste, it includes waste generated during a manufacturing process that is rendered in factories, industries, mills, etc.  Such waste includes food garbage generated in cafeterias, oil, solvents, etc. Such waste can be disposed of using various methods like distillation, ozonation, incineration, etc.

The second type includes biomedical waste including clinical waste. Clinical waste is generated in post-consumer use. It includes sanitary waste and syringes, masks and other medical equipment used by doctors and specialists. Such waste can be disposed of by chemical disinfection, autoclaving, etc.

The third type of waste includes special hazardous waste including radioactive waste, explosive waste, and electronic waste. Radioactive waste is the byproduct of various nuclear technology processes. Such waste is generated from nuclear medicine, nuclear research, nuclear weapons, nuclear power re-processing. It can be kept in steel containers inside a concrete line vault to dispose of.

Explosive waste is waste generated due to sudden explosion of the material due to any device or material which is either chemically or otherwise energetically unstable. It can be disposed of by methods like detonation, dissolving by solvent, chemical destruction, etc.

Electronic waste is waste generated after a machine or electrical appliance is discarded after its use. Electronic waste such as the oven, computer parts including CPUs, television sets, mobile phones, etc contains highly harmful substances like lead, cadmium, beryllium, mercury, etc. Such E-waste can be sent to recycling centers or can sell it back to the manufacturers through local vendors. Manufacturers know how to extract value from such E-waste and reuse it.

The fourth type of waste is municipal waste which includes commercial waste, demolition waste, and household waste. The commercial waste includes waste created at the workplace or any other waste created by the business. It can be glass, paper, cardboard, foodstuff, coffee cups, etc. Demolition waste is a waste generated from the destruction of buildings, roads, flyovers, etc. Such waste can be recycled or can be used again in construction.

Household waste includes leftover food waste, waste generated after preparation of food like potato peel, eggshells, etc. Such waste can be decomposed with the help of Goldust which is a waste composter machine of LAHS Eco Engineering. It decomposes natural waste in 24 hours and produces manure-ready to use in a fully automatic way. The process is done in an odorless, noiseless and maintenance-free way. There is no crushing or grinding involved in the process. It also provides safety functions such as overload protection and indicators indicating each mode of operation etc. You can visit LAHS Eco Engineering’s website for more detailed information.

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