Wednesday 29 April 2020

Why Is Waste Management Important?

Waste includes materials that are no longer useful. It may include cooking leftovers, yard scraps, farming trash, old newspapers, used mobiles, etc.  When garbage is dumped in an improper way, it creates serious problems for the environment. Whereas, proper waste management allows the right classification of the junk and takes care of the environment.

Want to know why proper waste management is so important?

Well, here are the number of reasons why?

Ensures right classification
Mixed garbage consisting of kitchen scraps, paper, plastic, electronics, etc is difficult to segregate. Also, it often creates a mess inside dustbins which leads to bad smells and dirt. The right classification of garbage ensures proper disposal at later stages. Also, the process of disposal becomes a little easy.

Gives opportunity for recycling
Proper junk management creates many recycling opportunities. A good sorting of trash into paper, plastics, used electronic items, leftover food provides room for recycling. Items like paper, plastic can be recycled and used again in industrial manufacturing processes.

You can also return old smartphones, empty batteries, etc to local retailers. The meal leftovers can be composted using various methods of composting. You can install organic waste converters like Goldust on your premises as well.

Minimizes trash generation
When the junk is properly handled, the overall generation of trash decreases. Also, a few items can be reused. Cooking leftovers, old magazines, notebooks, can be recycled. Consequently, the overall trash sent to dumping areas is minimized. All these cumulative efforts help in reducing the extra burden of wastage on mother-earth.

Maintains cleanliness & health
Correct disposal of trash automatically keeps the roads clean. It minimizes the amounts of garbage created daily. Also, it ensures reduced air pollution, soil pollution, and minimizes the spread of infectious diseases like cholera, dengue, malaria, and so on.

Protects the life of the animals
When eatables are directly thrown on the road, it pollutes the environment. The plastic packaging of these eatables is frequently consumed by roadside dogs, goats, etc. It worsens their health and creates dangers for their life.

Protects the environment
Whenever food leftovers, untreated wastewater & junk is directly dumped in open spaces, it increases pollution in those areas. Also, various harmful gases get released in the atmosphere. This pollutes freshwater sources in that area. Right garbage classification minimizes junk creation, grows opportunities for recycling, and enhances materials reuse. This helps in the conservation of natural resources and also saves the ecosystem & environment.

Correct classification of trash provides an infinite number of long term benefits. Every one of us should segregate the daily household scraps as much as possible. Also, manufacturing units, five-star hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, canteens, etc should make the best possible efforts to handle and dispose of trash.

Big industrial units and residential areas can install automatic composting machine or organic waste composter machine-like Goldust on-premises. Goldust decomposes green scraps and generates useful manure. This manure can be used to grow plants & crops. The produced manure can be removed once in 8-10 days. All the process of decomposition is natural, odorless, noiseless, and maintenance-free.

You can visit LAHS Eco Engineering’s website to explore more features about Goldust.                     

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