Monday 30 March 2020

Urbanisation And Challenges Of Waste Management

Urbanization is now becoming a global phenomenon, but its impacts are more known in developing countries. The high rate of population growth, started to decline opportunities in rural areas and shift from stagnant and low paying agriculture sector to more paying urban occupations, largely contribute to urbanization.

The unexpected migration has rapid population expansion has overcome the capacity of municipal authorities to provide even fundamental services.
Urbanization immediately contributes to waste generation, and waste handling causes health hazards and urban environmental deterioration. Solid Waste Management becomes an enormous task in India which is going to be more complex with the increase in urbanization, changing lifestyles and an increase in consumer protection. Financial restrictions, institutional shortcomings, improper choice of technology and public indifference towards Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) have made this situation deteriorate.

The current practices of the unrestrained dumping of waste on the outskirts of towns/cities have created a serious environmental and public health issue.

A priority is to move from dependence on waste dumps that offer no environmental security, to waste management systems that hold useful resources within the economy. Waste segregation at source and use of specialized waste processing equipment to separate recyclable materials has a key part. Control of residual waste after extraction of material resources needs engineered landfill places and/or investment in waste-to-energy facilities. The potential for energy production from landfill via methane extraction or thermal treatment is a major event, but a key obstacle is the shortage of qualified engineers and environmental professionals with the experience to deliver improved waste management systems in India.

If you want to convert your waste into compost, if you want to use a waste composting machine into compost LAHS has come up with a product known as called a Goldust compost machine. To know more about the product Goldust compost machine kindly LAHS Eco Engineering.

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