Friday 8 May 2020

How To Compost Kitchen Waste In A Residential Complex?

A lot of wet garbage is generated at households on a daily basis. This includes meal leftovers, peels of potato & onion, accidentally spilled over food, bakery scraps, and other similar things. When these scraps are dumped on open landscapes, it slowly decomposes and emits methane gas in the surrounding atmosphere. This practice also contaminates the soil, air, and water sources. Instead of this, you can also compost these wastes at your balcony or residential complex area and produce useful compost. This compost can be used to grow crops & plants in your garden area.

So, looking for a blueprint to start composting at your place?

Here are some key points for you:

Select the method

You can select any method which is suitable for you. There are methods like direct composting, vermicomposting, commercial composting, mechanical composting, and so on. You can opt for direct composting if you have a garden area near your apartment. Because direct composting is the process that is carried out by microorganisms present in the soil. In vermicomposting, earthworms consume biomass and excrete it in the form of castings. You can carry out vermicomposting at your balcony as well. You just need to set up a worm bin at the balcony.

Decide a spot for composting

After selecting the method, you have to select a spot for making a compost pile. A shady spot at the garden is best suited for direct composting.

In the case of vermicomposting, pick a spot in your house or nearby area to set up a worm bin. In case you face difficulties to make compost due to lack of space even then you do not need to worry about it. All you need to do is take a bucket, fit a tap to it, and drill some holes all over. Thereafter, you have to put the leftovers, earthworms, and other requisite materials into the bucket. Then, wait till the manure gets ready for use. This is one of the easy and cheap DIY options you can try for composting.

Compost only wet scraps

Compost is made out of wet scraps like food leftovers, small chicken bones, eggshells & crab shells, yard scraps, etc. You can put the same into a compost. Scraps like large branches of trees, wood, big chicken bones should be avoided while composting. These things take longer to compost. On the other hand, you should never put the glass particles, plastic bags, empty batteries into the compost pile.

Time is taken for producing manure

Generally, direct composting requires approximately two months to two years to decompose scraps. It depends on the type of scraps you are planning on composting. Dried flowers & leaves are easily converted into manure whereas coconut shells, big bones are comparatively harder to decompose therefore takes more time. On the other hand, vermicomposting takes an average time of three months to six months to decompose wet scrap matters.

After processing, you will get rich manure which can be used to grow healthier plants.

Uses of manure

The manure can be used as a fertilizer for the plants in the garden areas of your apartment. You can also use it in indoor plants at your home. If it is not useful for you, then you can donate it to someone who finds it useful. Compost provides essential micronutrients in the soil and enriches the soil quality. The nutrient-rich soil is healthier for plant growth.


Composting is an evergreen solution for eco-friendly disposal of daily wastage. It reduces the burden on municipalities regarding waste removal. Therefore, many costs related to collection, transportation & disposal are saved.

Nevertheless, it is also beneficial from the point of view of nature. When you compost, you minimize the quantities of wet garbage sent to landfills. This results in a reduction in the degrees of pollution.

You can install organic waste composter machine-like Goldust on your premises as well. Goldust converts every type of wet garbage into rich manure within a span of hours. Also, it does not require much attention and is easy to use. The machine is also compact in size therefore it can fit anywhere.

You can visit the website of LAHS Eco Engineering for complete and accurate information.





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