Wednesday 10 June 2020

How To Improve Waste Management Facilities In Cities?

Every day, tons of waste is generated in every city of India. It consists of wet & dry trash. However, these days, the government is failing to handle large garbage volumes. This is because wrong waste management practices have been followed for a long time. The dumping grounds are overflowing because of garbage volumes. Also, such methods have negative impacts on the earth. And therefore, we need to improve garbage management facilities in city areas.

Let’s find out how we can improve it?

Arrange road-side wet & dry waste bins

This is the first step toward effective waste management. Whenever wet & dry scrap is mixed together, it becomes difficult to ensure the right disposal. This is because it is difficult to separate it. So, you can assure easy segregation by arranging separate wet & dry scrap recycling bins. Furthermore, you can compost the wet scraps and dry scraps can be recycled.

Encourage people for composting

Many a time, food residues stay stagnant in the open-air and eventually start to decompose. It is always better to dispose of wet leftovers as early as possible. This way, we can lower pollution levels. So, in conclusion, you can encourage the residents to compost their scraps on their own. This way, food scraps will be decomposed sooner and pollution will get minimized. Also, it will save fewer costs related to collection and transportation.

Turn waste into Energy

Restaurants use large quantities of oil every day for cooking purposes. It is necessary to ensure the right disposal practice for the same. You can collect this oil and convert it into biodiesel. Also, it is a renewable source of energy. You can save lots of rare fossil fuels by following this simple practice. Besides this, it also generates employment in the local economy.

Eco-friendly product packagings

You can make it a rule to design & use eco-friendly product packaging. When you will use compostable packaging, then it will help to lower pollution levels. This is because such packages can easily decompose in the soil. So, this way, the overall waste volumes in cities will get reduced. Otherwise, plastic packaging harms the environment enormously.

Motivate people to follow eco-friendly practices

Besides this, you can also inspire common people to adopt green practices. For instance, one can donate food or feed stray animals instead of throwing away. Restaurants can also donate excess meals to needy people. Moreover, you can encourage people to use cotton bags instead of plastic ones. In addition, one should use renewable energy sources more than non-renewable ones. Because it is healthy for us and the planet.


It is necessary to have robust waste management practices for the benefit of people and the planet. We are a part of nature and therefore we must take good care of it. All of us can compost our leftovers as it is a sustainable way to scrap removal.

You can follow traditional ways or can also install composter machine-like Goldust at your place. Goldust converts wet scraps into organic manure within a span of hours. Also, it does not harm the environment in any way. You can use rich manure to grow beautiful & healthier trees. It acts as a natural fertilizer for plants.

Also, the machine follows the 3R principle that is Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. It converts 85-90% of total wet scrap volumes into high-quality compost. You can remove manure once in 8-10 days. The machine helps us preserve landfills and create zero waste cities.

You can visit the website of LAHS Eco Engineering to gain more detailed knowledge.

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