Thursday 4 June 2020

7 Useful Tips Of Composting For Beginners

Nowadays, many people are becoming aware of the benefits of composting practices. That is why many have started making a compost pile nearby garden areas. It has many positive impacts on nature. This process lowers pollution levels as well as global warming effects. In this article, we will learn a few tips on composting that will help you if you are a beginner.

So, Let’s begin:

Choose a shady spot

You have to select a shady spot in your garden area. This is because the shady area saves organic matter from drying out. Also, it reduces the requirement of water needed to add in the pile. This maintains the perfect moisture balance in the soil which is a must for producing rich compost.

Gather composting tools

There are various tools required to start the process. The basic composting tools include a compost fork, shovel or spade, and spray nozzle. You have to make sure that the length and width of each tool is comfortable for you. This is necessary because you have to turn up the organic matter several times. Such maintenance is required for generating healthy manure.

Mix brown & green waste

The brown scraps are the ones that are high in carbon. It provides energy to the soil microorganisms. Such scraps may include dry leaves, straw, woody plant trimmings, sawdust, and the similar. Whereas green scraps are the ones that are high in nitrogen. These scraps provide protein to the microorganisms. It includes kitchen leftovers, grass clippings, feathers, fur, hairs, etc.

Keep these items away from the pile

You should not mix certain materials in the compost pile as they contain pathogens attracts pests, and lead to other problems. These materials include ashes from wood stoves, grease, oils, disease or pest-infected plant material, animal stools, bones, etc. All this stuff affects the quality of the end compost 

Boost the speed of your compost

Generally, it takes a period from three months to a year depending on the type of composting you adopt. In spite of this, you can rise the processing speed by following these simple tricks. When you chop & shred the wastes in smaller particles, then the process becomes easier and faster.

Maintain perfect moisture levels

Do you know that fast-acting compost piles contain about 40-60% water? The answer is Yes. So, you have to maintain the moisture levels in the pile. The pile should look like a squeezed sponge. Besides this, you should keep your pile aerated. Soil microorganisms also require oxygen like you for decomposition. You can turn the compost pile completely every week or two for sufficient oxygen supply.

Cover your compost pile

This is the most important thing that you should follow. When you cover the pile with the sheet, then it reduces the chances of bad odors. Also, other animals like dogs, cats, and cows do not destroy the pile because of it. Besides this, it also helps to maintain proper moisture levels in the pile.


Every one of us should adopt composting for the right decomposition of food waste. It is the only safest and eco-friendly way. You can follow the above-mentioned steps to carry out the composting process.

Besides this, you can also install a fully automatic composting machine-like Goldust at your place. It organically decomposes all types of food & gardening scraps and generates high-quality manure. Moreover, it does not harm the ecosystem in any way. The machine is compact in size so it can fit in small places as well.

You can visit the official website of LAHS Eco Engineering to know more about Goldust.

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